Emmanuel Ferragne
Emmanuel Ferragne
Resources for PhD and masters students
Hannah King
[ɹ], [w] or [ʁ]: Investigating French advanced learners' productions of English /r/
Étude IRM de la production des /l/ de l'anglais par des locuteurs francophones
Étude IRM de la production des /l/ de l’anglais par des locuteurs francophones
A battle of articulatory methods for the study of English /l/: UTI vs MRI
Phonetic accuracy in French learners of English: towards a bilingual database combining articulatory MRI and audio
The articulation of dark /l/ by L2 speakers of English: Insights from Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Ultrasound Tongue Imaging
Exploring the Accent Mix Perceptually and Automatically: French Learners of English and the RP–GA Divide
French students of English: what automatic methods and our perception tell us about their accents
Is rhoticity on the tip of your tongue? Investigating tongue shapes for English /r/ in French learners with ultrasound.
RP or GA? French students' accents are drifting in the Atlantic
Are French learners' /r/s in good shape? An ultrasound tongue imaging study of English /r/
Tips for English learners: /r/ their shapes accent-specific?
Difficult to Hear but Easy to See: Accounting for the Evolution of an /r/ Specific Lip Posture in Anglo-English
Labiodentals /r/ here to stay: Deep learning shows us why
Loose lips and tongue tips: The central role of the /r/-typical labial gesture in Anglo-English
Why rhoticity is on everyone's lips: Accounting for the labial gesture in English /r/
The contribution of lip protrusion to Anglo-English /r/: Evidence from hyper- and non-hyperarticulated speech
The contribution of lip protrusion to Anglo-English /r/: Evidence from hyper- and non-hyperarticulated speech
Speech without lips: an acoustic and articulatory study