Emmanuel Ferragne
Emmanuel Ferragne
Resources for PhD and masters students
Emmanuel Ferragne
[ɹ], [w] or [ʁ]: Investigating French advanced learners' productions of English /r/
Retour d’expérience sur le projet Solutions pour l’Enseignement de la Phonétique Appliquée aux Langues Etrangères (SEPALE)
Phonétique et phonologie « de corpus » : quelques notes épistémologiques
Étude IRM de la production des /l/ de l'anglais par des locuteurs francophones
Étude IRM de la production des /l/ de l’anglais par des locuteurs francophones
A battle of articulatory methods for the study of English /l/: UTI vs MRI
Dissyllabes homographes : de la perception à l'acoustique
Does Frankie Go to Hollywood? From American influence to articulatory phonetics: the singing pronunciation of 1980s pop artists
Exploring the foreign language effect: A study on emotional responses to taboo words
Phonetic accuracy in French learners of English: towards a bilingual database combining articulatory MRI and audio
The articulation of dark /l/ by L2 speakers of English: Insights from Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Ultrasound Tongue Imaging
Exploring the Accent Mix Perceptually and Automatically: French Learners of English and the RP–GA Divide
French students of English: what automatic methods and our perception tell us about their accents
French learners of English struggle to identify nasalised American vowels in CVN words
Is rhoticity on the tip of your tongue? Investigating tongue shapes for English /r/ in French learners with ultrasound.
Quelques éléments sur l'expertise vocale en criminalistique
Expertise vocale en criminalistique, des séries policières à la réalité
RP or GA? French students' accents are drifting in the Atlantic
Are French learners' /r/s in good shape? An ultrasound tongue imaging study of English /r/
Tips for English learners: /r/ their shapes accent-specific?
Voix et preuve scientifique dans les séries policières : le projet VoCSI-Telly
Analyse phonétique de la variation inter-locuteurs au moyen de réseaux de neurones convolutifs : voyelles seules et séquences courtes de parole
Américanisation de la prononciation de l'anglais en voix chantée: le cas des voyelles de TRAP-BATH et LOT
Représentations de l’expertise vocale dans les séries policières : quand la fiction s’invite dans les enquêtes et au tribunal
Représentations de l’expertise vocale dans les séries policières : quand la fiction s’invite dans les enquêtes et au tribunal
SuFEVoC : Subjectivité et Fiction autour de l'Expertise Vocale en Criminalistique
Américanisation de la prononciation de l'anglais en voix chantée: le cas des voyelles de TRAP-BATH et LOT
Analyse phonétique de la variation inter-locuteurs au moyen de réseaux de neurones convolutifs : voyelles seules et séquences courtes de parole
The SEPALE project: high variability phonetic training for French students of English
Americanized pronunciation in British Pop and Heavy Metal: is T Voicing incidence genre-specific?
Retour d’expérience sur le projet Solutions pour l’Enseignement de la Phonétique Appliquée aux Langues Etrangères (SEPALE)
The N400 reveals implicit accent-induced prejudice
Difficult to Hear but Easy to See: Accounting for the Evolution of an /r/ Specific Lip Posture in Anglo-English
Me[t]al or Me[ɾ]al? The Role of Duration and Lexical Frequency on /t/ Flapping in the Singing Voice
Automatic classification of phonation types in spontaneous speech: towards a new workflow for the characterization of speakers' voice quality
Automatic classification of phonation types in spontaneous speech: towards a new workflow for the characterization of speakers' voice quality
Du groupe à l'individu, du corpus à l'expérimentation, du spectrogramme au deep learning pour la phonétique
Labiodentals /r/ here to stay: Deep learning shows us why
Neuroplasticity in the phonological system: The PMN and the N400 as markers for the perception of non-native phonemic contrasts by late second language learners
De la comparaison de voix en criminalistique à la N400 sociophonétique
The N400 as a sociophonetic marker
The production and perception of derived phonological contrasts in selected varieties of English
The phonetic basis of the guttural natural class in Levantine Arabic: Evidence from coarticulation and energy components using Deep Learning and Random Forests
Paramètres acoustiques et phonétiques dans la parole parkinsonienne avant et après traitement LSVT LOUD®
Informations segmentales pour la caractérisation phonétique du locuteur : variabilité inter- et intra-locuteurs
Caractérisation du locuteur par CNN à l’aide des contours d’intensité et d’intonation : comparaison avec le spectrogramme
Loose lips and tongue tips: The central role of the /r/-typical labial gesture in Anglo-English
The perception of swear words by French learners of English: an experiment involving electrodermal activity
Why rhoticity is on everyone's lips: Accounting for the labial gesture in English /r/
The contribution of lip protrusion to Anglo-English /r/: Evidence from hyper- and non-hyperarticulated speech
The contribution of lip protrusion to Anglo-English /r/: Evidence from hyper- and non-hyperarticulated speech
A combined forced-attention dichotic listening - Go/Nogo task to assess response inhibition and interference suppression: An auditory event-related potential investigation
Deep learning and voice comparison : phonetically-motivated vs. automatically-learned features
The sociophonetics of British heavy metal music: T Voicing and the FOOT-STRUT split
Towards phonetic interpretability in deep learning applied to voice comparison
Britishness in British heavy metal: a sociophonetic perspective
Phonetics and Artificial Intelligence: ready for the paradigm shift?
Perceptual and acoustic aspects related to the stress patterns of two-syllable noun-verb pairs
Deep learning and voice comparison: phonetically-motivated vs. automatically-learned features
The sociophonetics of British heavy metal music: T Voicing and the FOOT-STRUT split
Towards phonetic interpretability in deep learning applied to voice comparison
An acoustic study of English vowels produced by French learners
Speech without lips: an acoustic and articulatory study
The influence of body posture on the acoustic parameters of speech